Year-Long Learning Experiences


Annual Wellness Visits and Chronic Care Management

The resident will participate in pharmacist-led clinical services including Annual Wellness Visits and Chronic Care Management with Greens Country Clinic.


Diabetes Prevention Program Experience

The resident will undergo training to become a CDC-Recognized Lifestyle Coach in order to deliver the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) to patients. The resident will work with the program coordinator to oversee daily operations and ensure the program meets quality performance outcomes.


Enhanced Services Experience

The resident will develop new services to be provided by Total Dose Pharmacies and integrate their services into the workflow of the pharmacy. The resident will also actively participate in daily dispensing activities and existing enhanced services provided by Total Dose Pharmacy locations.



Compounding Experience

The resident will complete compounding training and become familiar with associated laws, standards and procedures. The resident will get hands on experience to gain competency in compounding formulations and experience in the development and pricing of new drug formulations.




The resident will work with the preceptor to identify a research project, design the study, recruit participants, collect and analyze data and author a manuscript. The resident is expected to be involved in all aspects of the study and will have access to informational resources and personnel to successfully complete their projects.